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The Best Home Workout Right Now – Ana

Best Home Workout

Here’s a FULL BODY WORKOUT AT HOME brought to you by superstar trainer – Ana from Stepz Fitness Parkinson . You can do just using a couple of weights you might have around the house and a chair/bench/couch. ⁣⁣Remember to warm up prior to getting started this home workout.
Perform each exercise and reps on the demo below to complete a full circuit, then rest for a minute and go back to the beginning. ⁣⁣

⁣Do 3 sets (but feel free to do 2 or even 4 sets). ⁣⁣
1 – “Dumbbell” One-Arm Row ⁣
2 – One-Arm Tricep ⁣⁣
3 – Tricep Dips⁣⁣
4 – Spider-Man ⁣⁣
5 – Plank with leg kicks⁣⁣
6 – Mountain Climbers ⁣⁣
7 – Squats⁣⁣
8 – Squat pulses⁣⁣
9 – Hip Thrust ⁣⁣
10 – Single leg Hip Thrust⁣⁣
Take care, have fun and let us know if you’re training at home with us ????⁣⁣

We understand that a home workout can seem like it would be less intense or less effective than in our gym’s. Who’s to say you can’t still get a good workout from your living room. No one, that’s who!

In case you missed it here is another home workout you can try.

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